Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bouche du Diable

I always loved BD, but due to the fact that my father always wrongly associated this sort of book with laziness in reading, I had to do it hidden from him, what was pretty difficult at that time… But I had an allied ;)

Recently a friend lent me a great BD form a French author, Charyn-Boucq: “Bouche du diable “.

About a soviet spy with a harelip that is rescued in is homeland, Ukraine and helped by is rescuers, they even offer him a decent face, how kind those soviets weren’t they?

Of course there’s the girl stuff in the story and as always she betrays him, like in real life ;) Women are evil, beware!

The draws are fantastic, from the Ukrainian plains to the underground New York, with a lot of industrial and catacombs of Paris look like draws.


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