Friday, August 11, 2006


Since ever I remember that I suffer from Allergies... this is a problem that affects most adults and children nowadays. Here you can find a quick guide on how to deal with this problem in a practical manner. Do not miss it! It was written by myself.... :-S But translation credits go to Dehumanizer as well as technical aspects.


Chas Chesterfield Esq. said...

This is a comment not on this post but as a heads up to an error on your "about me" profile.

"Bitch" is a song written and performed by Meredith Brooks. Not by Alanis Morissette. Although surely, Alanis' work paved the way for Ms. Brooks to get a record deal.

Carla said...

I did saw some discussion on that issue too (as an example in this forum). Nevertheless you’re absolutely right as I just checked it in Wikipedia. Thanks for the comment.