Sunday, April 15, 2007

I know it’ll never work, and you know it’ll never work, but what I’m asking is just to see if we’re wrong.

Dewey goes onto a porch, carrying a book. Gale is there, she point to Sidney and Cherokee.

Sidney-Come on, Cherokee!
Dewey-Yeah, she’s doing great. Look. [He has a copy of Gale’s book, The Woodsboro Murders.]
Gale-What are you doing with that?
Dewey-Will you sign it for me, Gale?
Gale-You hate that book! Besides, I’m done with that kind of reporting.
Dewey-For me. Will you sign it for me?
Gale-You’re a nut! [She takes the book and opens it to reveal an engagement ring. She looks at Dewey]
Dewey-Will you?
Dewey-I know it’ll never work, and you know it’ll never work, but what I’m asking is just to see if we’re wrong. We don’t know everything, Gale. Well, you think you do. [They laugh]
Gale-You’re a brave man, Dewey Riley.
Dewey-I’m really scared right now.

Gale kisses him. She puts on the ring

- Scream 3

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